Top Google Software Engineer (SDE) Interview Questions and Answers 2024
December 27, 2023

Top Google Software Engineer (SDE) Interview Questions and Answers 2024

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Let's start your Google software developer SDE interview preparation along with answers!

Google's software developer interviews are known for being challenging and covering a wide range of topics including algorithms, data structures, problem-solving, system design, and more. While specific questions may vary, here's a list of common types of questions asked in Google software developer interviews along with brief answers. Note that the key here is to understand the problem-solving approach, and the actual code may vary based on the interview.

1. Algorithms and Data Structures:

Question 1:

Problem: Implement a function to check if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree.

Answer: Use a recursive approach to check if each node's value is within a valid range.


def is_valid_bst(root, min_val=float('-inf'), max_val=float('inf')):
    if not root:
        return True
    if not min_val < root.val < max_val:
        return False
    return (is_valid_bst(root.left, min_val, root.val) and
            is_valid_bst(root.right, root.val, max_val))

Question 2:

Problem: Given an array of integers, find the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

Answer: Use a hash table to store the complement of each element.


def two_sum(nums, target):
    num_dict = {}
    for i, num in enumerate(nums):
        complement = target - num
        if complement in num_dict:
            return [num_dict[complement], i]
        num_dict[num] = i

2. System Design:

Question 3:

Problem: Design a URL shortening service like

Answer: Discuss the components including a key generator, a storage system, and handling redirection.

3. Problem Solving:

Question 4:

Problem: Given a 2D matrix representing an image, rotate the image by 90 degrees.

Answer: Transpose the matrix and then reverse each row.


def rotate(matrix):
    for i in range(len(matrix)):
        for j in range(i):
            matrix[i][j], matrix[j][i] = matrix[j][i], matrix[i][j]

Question 5:

Problem: Find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

Answer: Compare characters at the same position in all strings until a mismatch is found.


def longest_common_prefix(strs):
    if not strs:
        return ""
    for i, char in enumerate(strs[0]):
        for string in strs[1:]:
            if i >= len(string) or string[i] != char:
                return strs[0][:i]
    return strs[0]

def longest_common_prefix(strs):
    if not strs:
        return ""
    for i, char in enumerate(strs[0]):
        for string in strs[1:]:
            if i >= len(string) or string[i] != char:
                return strs[0][:i]
    return strs[0]

4. Behavioral Questions:

Question 6:

Question: Describe a situation where you had to deal with a challenging team member.

Answer: Discuss a specific example, emphasizing communication and conflict resolution skills.

Question 7:

Question: How do you handle tight deadlines and high-pressure situations?

Answer: Discuss your approach, including prioritization, time management, and maintaining a focus on delivering quality work.

Tips for Google Interviews:

  1. Practice Problem Solving: Google interviews often focus on problem-solving skills: practice algorithms and data structures on platforms like LeetCode.

  2. Understand Time and Space Complexity: Be conscious of the efficiency of your code. Understand the time and space complexity and optimize your solutions.

  3. System Design Preparation: Be ready to discuss system design principles. Practice designing scalable and efficient systems.

  4. Behavioral Questions: Prepare for behavioral questions by reflecting on past experiences and emphasizing teamwork and communication skills.

  5. Mock Interviews: Practice mock interviews with a friend or on online platforms to simulate the interview environment.

Remember, the key is not just to provide correct solutions but also to communicate your thought process effectively. Google interviews often focus on problem-solving, coding, and system design skills, so be well-prepared in these areas. Good luck!

FAQs Related Google SWE Interview Process and Salary

1. How many rounds are there in the Google software engineer interview?
Google software engineer interview process typically consists of three rounds, including phone call screens, technical call interviews (30-40 min), and 3 to 4 rounds of technical and behavioral interviews.

2. Google Software Engineer - SWE Recruiter Phone Screen Round Questions? 

This is the first phase of the interview. A short call with a Google recruiter will primarily talk about your past work experience and background, and they will check in-depth about the projects you've worked on. 

Frequent Questions Asked by Google Recruiters to Software Engineers during the Phone Screen Round:

    1. Tell me about yourself.
    2. What do you hope to learn while working at Google?
    3. What is your favorite project that you have worked on?
    4. What inspired you to learn programming?
    5. what is the reason to be a software engineer? 
    6. What are you looking for in a workplace and culture?
    7. Why you're applying to Google for any specific reason? 

3. Google Software Engineer - SWE Technical Phone Screen Round Questions?

The technical phone screen is the second round of the Google Software Engineer interview with senior software engineers. It usually takes up to 45-60 minutes. They will check your basic coding skills with 2 questions.  Questions will be asked from the following topics -

  • Data Structures - topics such as BST, Linked List, Recursion
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Algorithms
  • OOP concepts and fundamentals
  • Graph theory

4. What salary is offered to a Google Software Engineer -SWE?

An entry-level Google software engineer SWE gets around 192,000 USD to 356,000 USD for a senior-level SWE position. It may vary depending on the person and experience. 

5. How to prepare for a Google Software Engineer - SWE interview?

  • Research the Google hiring process and get some ideas with experiences shared online. 
  • Continuous practice coding problems and algorithms in preparation for the technical interviews.
  • Be prepared and clear about your past projects and experiences that you've worked on. 

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